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When Should I Replace My Roof?

Replacing a roof can be an expensive business, but if the roof needs frequent attention it might be the cheaper option in the long run. And sometimes the damage to a roof means that patching it up will leave it unable to effectively do its job of protecting you from the cold and weather. But how do you know when the point of a roof replacement has been reached?

What’s the Natural Life of a Roof?

How long your roof is likely to last will depend largely on the materials used, although the amount of battering it gets from the elements will also affect this. For the common types of roofing, average life expectancy is:

It’s important to remember, however, that these figures are purely averages, and the actual length will depend on how well the roof has been installed and how well it’s been maintained. There are tiled roofs, for instance, that are still going strong at well over 100 years, whereas some roofs need to be replaced much sooner due to the poor quality of the materials or the work.

What Are the Signs to Look Out For?

The most obvious sign that your roof may need to be replaced is that you’re constantly calling out your roofing contractor to replace fallen or broken tiles or other materials. Especially obvious signs are the fallen tiles having white salts on the back or the battens beneath being broken.

If your roof is sagging, this may be a sign of water penetration that has rotted the roof joists. You should also look out for damp or mould on the walls and ceilings upstairs. This may only mean your roof needs to be repaired, but if occurrences are regular and severe, repairs may not be enough.

On the other hand, a roof that could have lasted a significant time may sometimes be damaged, such as by a falling tree or wind stripping the materials off. However, a replacement such as this will probably be covered by your building insurance.

How to Go About Getting a Roof Replacement

If you want your new roof to last well and not need frequent repairs, it’s vital for the work to be expertly done. This means that, when you get your quotes (preferably at least three) you should be looking at the contractors’ skill and reputations, not just how cheap they are — although this may also be a factor.

Give us a call to find out more about whether repairs will do, or whether you need your roof replaced. You can also learn more about roof replacements here! 

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